Justice catches up with Jonny Racer in North Wales

Pictured are spectators Billy Green, Debbie Chad and William MGuigan.

A tearaway driver who was on the wrong side of the road and travelling 20mph over the speed limit when he crashed into an oncoming vehicle, a court heard.

The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ann Griffith at Denbigh court for a Mock Court case for pupils from Rhos street CP school. Pictured are pupils Tom Mayers, Sam Jones and Nurten Kuguloglu watched on by retired Magistrate Peter Jones.

Jonny Racer admitted the JPs were friends of his after he was found not guilty of dangerous driving at Denbigh Magistrates Court.

But then the magistrates changed their minds and decided to fine Racer £2,000 with seven penalty points and ban him from driving for six months.

It was all part of a special ‘mock trial’ held at the former courthouse in Grove Road with all the parts played by 10 and 11-year-old Year Six pupils of Rhos Street School, in Ruthin.

The day-long event was organised by North Wales Police and Crime Panel member Pat Astbury with North Wales Police officers, led by Assistant Chief Constable Richard Debicki, and retired Magistrate Peter Jones taking part and sponsored by Ruthin Rotary Club.

It was praised by Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ann Griffith who, as an experienced social worker, has a special interest in the welfare of children and young people.

She said: “It’s been a wonderful event and it’s obvious that all the young people have really enjoyed themselves and learning from having fun is really the way forward.

“They clearly did a lot of preparation for this and they have asked some very intelligent questions.

“An event like this is really important so children know they can turn to a police officer if they need help and I’m confident that each one of these children wouldn’t hesitate to do so.

“I’ve learned a lot here today and would like to see this experience made available to all children across North Wales, at secondary school level as well, and I’m sure it could be used for a whole host of themes.”

The trial saw Rhos Street School pupils play the parts of defendant Jonny Racer as well as the magistrates, the clerk of the court, prosecution and defence lawyers, witnesses and even the court usher as well as the people in the public gallery.

They also had the chance to have a question and answer session with Assistant Chief Constable Debicki which saw him field queries about the dangers of the job, arresting people, the role of the police and the worst part of a policeman’s lot – standing guard outside Blackpool Conference Centre during a party political conference in freezing wind and pouring rain.

The trial saw Jonny Racer aka Codie Hand plead not guilty to dangerous driving after his white van, travelling at 60mph in a 40mph zone in Ruthin and overtaking a mini driven by Miss Sunday Driver, who was taking her pet cat to the vet, collided with another vehicle.

As Jonny drove past Miss Driver he waved his fist and afterwards he said people like her should keep off the road and instead stay at home and look after their cats.

After the case the pupils discussed the case with experienced police officer PC Jim Jones, had a chance to check out a police patrol car and even to lock acting deputy head Andrew Davis up in the police van.

Organiser Pat Astbury said: “The Rotary Club were looking for a community project to get involved with so I suggested the mock trial and it would have been difficult for the school to take part without their support.

“It’s a really worthwhile event and there are so many aspects to it from careers advice to learning about the role of the police, magistrates and the courts and being able to see that police officers are there to help and protect them.

“It’s very valuable and it’s something I would like to see done more often as part of the curriculum and I’m really grateful to everyone here today for their help.”