Late Christmas party for cinema staff because of huge Star Wars success

Gavin Graham, 30, and Sophie Stanley, 27, couldn’t wait to see Force Awakens.


The new Star Wars blockbuster is on course to become the most successful film ever at a Wrexham cinema.

The latest episode of the hit movie franchise, The Force Awakens, has already been seen by 30,000 fans since it opened at the Odeon at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre in December.

It’s  quickly closing in on the number one spot which is currently held by Skyfall,  James Bond’s 23rd incarnation which was released in 2012.

The success of the new Star Wars epic also resulted in the Odeon Christmas staff party being cancelled and put back until mid-January as audiences packed out the cinema with fans eager to see the latest Star Wars epic.

Odeon manager Andy Elvis says it’s been an incredible first month with no sign of a slowdown in audience figures.

He said: “The Force Awakens pretty quickly moved ahead of Spectre, the latest James Bond movie, which is still showing and then Mama Mia, which was on show for six months.

“It’s not going to be long before The Force Awakens moves ahead of Skyfall in terms of audience numbers.

“The big reduction in car parking charges at Eagles Meadow has resulted in not just the Odeon being busier but has also given a boost to the shopping centre as a whole.”

He added: “It really has been an incredible few weeks and we were just so busy we had no choice but to put our Christmas party back until the middle of January. There was just no way we could run the cinema without the whole team being on duty.

“Now children are back at school I am expecting weekday audiences to fall a little but so far every screening is still pretty busy.”

He added: “Records are always there to be broken but it is going to have to be a massive film to knock The Force Awakens off the top spot once it passes Skyfall.

“If I’m honest I never thought the audience numbers for Skyfall would ever be beaten but The Force Awakens is definitely going to do it. Perhaps the next Star Wars film will see fans just as keen to pack out our cinema.

“Talking to fans its clear the next episode is already eagerly anticipated. Maybe we will be postponing out next Christmas party too!”

Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley says he’s delighted with the success of The Force Awakens.

He said: “I know Andy and his team have had a very busy Christmas period thanks to The Force Awakens which looks to break all records.

“Major films like The Force Awakens are a major draw for our customers and I know many of our restaurants have also benefited from the upsurge in visitor numbers as cinema goers flocked to see the Star Wars spectacular.”

“I hope Andy and the Odeon team enjoy their belated Christmas party, they have certainly earned it!”