Llanrug pupil wins anti drink-drive poster competition

Councillor Dafydd Meurig; competition winner, Angharad Jones; Paula Owen; Gwynedd Council Road Safety Officer and Ysgol Brynrefail Headteacher, Eifion Jones.

A pupil from Ysgol Brynrefail has come out on top amongst north Wales secondary schools in a competition to design a poster to warn people of the dangers of drinking and driving.

As part of the Police anti-drink drive campaign 2015 every secondary school in Wales was invited to take part in a poster competition. The winning entry from each council was then judged and a prize given based on the four police regions.

The winning entry for Gwynedd and the North Wales region was designed by Angharad Jones, who is a year 9 pupil at Ysgol Brynrefail, Llanrug.
Councillor Dafydd Meurig, Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member for Road Safety: “With the Christmas season upon us, we are aware that there is a lot of temptation to drink and drive with all the festive parties. This campaign is therefore vitally important in order to raise awareness of the fact that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs not only endangers your own life but also those around you.


“Many congratulations to Angharad for her design and for coming out on top of the competition throughout all of north Wales.”