Llanrug residents come together to collect rubbish

Some of the volunteers in Llanrug - Olwen Hughes, Delyth Ross, Eryl Roberts, Heulwen Parry and Gwyneth Evans.

Nine enthusiastic Llanrug residents recently came together in an effort to improve their local environment by collecting litter from around the village.

Armed with equipment from Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme, they went along the area’s paths to collect 20 bags-full of litter, along with 50 dog dirt bags someone had thoughtlessly thrown into hedges along the paths.

Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer, Jonathan Neale said: “It’s great to see local people actively making efforts to improve their communities. Efforts like this one often inspire other people to participate, and makes others think again about their inconsiderate behaviour. Thanks to the local residents and especially to Olwen and Goronwy Hughes for arranging the work, and all the best to them with the local campaign.”


Olwen Hughes who arranged the litter-pick in Llanrug said: “A number of Llanrug villagers were disgusted to see so much rubbish around the village and following discussion with the Council’s Tidy Towns Officer, a number of volunteers came together. It was very disappointing to see so much paper, bags and bottles, and to see that some left dog mess bags at the side of roads, in walls and on the trees was a surprise to everyone.

“The response from Llanrug residents has been very positive with a number putting their names down to volunteer in the future.”

Councillor Charles Wyn Jones, who represents Llanrug on Gwynedd Council, added: “It is hugely heartening to see Llanrug residents making efforts to improve the physical appearance of the village by collecting litter. On the whole, we have a tidy village but like every area like this there are problematic parts which are out of site where some inconsiderate people take advantage. Many thanks to the enthusiastic residents who went out to take part.”

Councillor John Wynn Jones, Gwynedd Council Environment Cabinet Member said: “This is a wonderful example of the local community showing enthusiasm to improve the local environment. Often, untidiness attracts more unsightliness and therefore the Tidy Towns campaign to help communities as a way of preventing litter is a very effective one and is a great investment for the future.”

If you’d like to start your own community group to improve your local environment, please contact Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer for a community pack. For more information about Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme, contact the team on 01766 771000 or send an e-mail to trefitaclus@gwynedd.gov.uk

It is a crime to throw rubbish in any public place, and those convicted of doing so could face a fine of up to £2,500.

To report any instances of flytipping, contact Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement team on 01766 771000.

The Tidy Towns scheme is funded by a Welsh Government grant as part of a scheme which aims to improve the local environment.