Llanrug schoolchildren support campaign to tackle dog fouling problems

Jonathan Neale from Gwynedd Council and the Llanrug Community Council Clerk, Meirion Jones with Mali Brookes, Catrin Williams and Oliver Roberts from Ysgol Llanrug

Llanrug Community Council and pupils from the village’s primary school recently worked with Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns team to highlight the dog fouling problem in the village.


Following numerous complaints from residents the community council decided to work with pupils from Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug and run a competition to create information posters. Following the school’s competition they contacted Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer, Jonathan Neale, with the winning posters and he then arranged for the images to be transferred onto hard-backed signs to be placed around the village.


Jonathan Neale said: “Llanrug’s initiative is a typical example of communities throughout Gwynedd with a dog fouling problem in public spaces. More often than not it is children who suffer the most from the effects of this problem – what better, therefore, than for the children to respond to the problem in a colourful and creative way? The images succeed by conveying a powerful message to the minority of dog owners who ignore the law.”


Llanrug Community Council Clerk Meirion Jones, noted: “It’s great that children from Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug are playing their part to solve this problem by producing colourful posters. The signs can now to be seen in the village and look really effective. There is no excuse to those who turn a blind eye and let their dogs foul in public spaces – it’s time to ‘bag it and bin it’. A big thanks to Tidy Towns for their help with this campaign.”


Councillor John Wynn Jones, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, added: “The Tidy Towns scheme is now in its eighth year and has been very successful in promoting tidiness and cleanliness in our communities. The dog fouling campaign is one of the most important elements of Tidy Towns in Gwynedd and Llanrug’s initiative is one of 32 schools who have benefited from this campaign. Congratulations to the children on their commendable campaign.”


Dog Fouling and ‘Toxocariasis’

One of the most important reasons why owners should stop their dogs from fouling on public land is because of the parasites which can be harmful to people, especially children. Toxocariasis is a disease caused when the eggs of toxocara worms are transferred from dogs to people through infected dog mess or soil and can lead to illness and even blindness.


It is a criminal offence not to clear up if a dog under your control has fouled in any public place. Offenders are liable to receive a £100 fixed penalty. Failure to pay the fine could lead to a court summons and a fine of up to £1,000.


What can you do?

If you’re a dog owner make sure you always carry plenty of poop-scoop bags with you when you walk your dog. Bagged dog mess can be put in any public bin or taken home and disposed of responsibly. To request a free dog-poop bag dispenser, contact Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer on 01766 771000 or e-mail tidytowns@gwynedd.gov.uk


Name and Shame

The public can help by reporting those responsible by contacting Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement Team confidentially on 01766 771000, or by visiting Gwynedd Council’s Report a Problem webpage.


Gwynedd’s Tidy Towns initiative is funded by Welsh Government.