MP welcomes Ferodo meeting as a positive step forward

Hywel Williams MP and Siân Gwenllian AM outside the empty Ferodo site in Caernarfon.

Plaid Cymru Member of Parliament for Arfon, Hywel Williams says a recent meeting held with the owners of the empty former Ferodo factory in Caernarfon was a ‘positive step forward’ towards developing the empty twenty seven acre site, which has lain empty since 2008.

Hywel Williams MP and Siân Gwenllian AM outside the empty Ferodo site in Caernarfon.
Hywel Williams MP and Siân Gwenllian AM outside the empty Ferodo site in Caernarfon.

Following the meeting in Caernarfon, which was also attended by Assembly Member Siân Gwenllian, Mr Williams said he was encouraged by the broad minded nature of the discussion and St Francis group’s positive attitude to see the site developed.

Hywel Williams MP said: “Of course its early days, but I was encouraged by the firm’s positive attitude and their open-mindedness as to the possible uses of the former Ferodo site.”

“They already have a number of similar sites across the UK and are specialists in carrying out large scale remedial work, such as clearing and restoring industrial land in preparation for development.”

“The owners fully recognise the unique attributes of this site and the significance of its location on the banks of the Menai Straits and the opportunity it offers for a truly landmark development.”

“They will clearly have to work within commercial considerations and the site isn’t without its challenges, but we discussed a number of broad possibilities which they can now consider as to future use.”

“I’m pleased the site has also recently been identified by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board as a strategic area for employment, valued at £5million, along with Parc Bryn Cegin in Bangor.”

“Both myself and Siân Gwenllian AM will continue to keep in close contact with St Francis Group and are open to facilitating any discussions with potential development partners who are interested in this unique site.”

Siân Gwenllian AM said: “I’m very encouraged that the former Ferodo site now forms part of the North Wales Ambition Board’s vision for the north Wales economy, and is listed amongst the top twenty strategic employment sites across the region.”