New eco-friendly police station is a step closer

The new Llandudno police station is a step closer.


A new state-of-the-art police station for Llandudno is a step closer.

The planning application for the £2.75 million development has now been submitted to Conwy County Borough Council.


The old police station was previously a Divisional Headquarters and had a custody suite that was decommissioned in 2004.

According to North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Winston Roddick, the now-closed brick-built police station in Oxford Road is no longer fit for purpose and the council has already granted planning permission to demolish it.

Mr Roddick decided it should be replaced by a new eco-friendly building as part of his five-year Estate Strategy.


If given the go-ahead by planners, the new premises will be built to BREEAM Excellent standards and will include a host of environmentally-friendly features like gas absorption heat pumps which will provide underfloor heating throughout the building.


Subject to planning permission, demolition is due to start in the late summer and construction should take 12 months, with a view to the new police station being ready to move in by December next year.


In the meantime, officers and staff have now moved to a temporary police station a few hundred metres away in Argyll Road.


Some artefacts and architectural features from the current building are to be incorporated into the new station including a cell gate from the custody unit which is planned to be placed in the new reception area.


A feature is also to be created from glazed cream tiles in the former custody suite and police lanterns outside the building are also set to be saved and fitted inside the new build.


North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Winston Roddick CB QC said: “Submitting the planning application is an important step and the matter will now be decided by the council’s planners.


“The old police station had reached the end of its useful life and it would have been a complete a waste to spend a great deal public money on it.


“In contrast, the new police station will provide better accommodation for police staff and officers and a base that is appropriate for 21st century policing.


“Another important consideration as we look to operate within a reduced budget is that it will be considerably more economical to run than the old premises.


“I am glad, however, that a number of artefacts from the old station will take pride of place in the new building and will provide a permanent link with a distinguished record of policing in Llandudno.”