New law court drama filmed in North Wales

Rebecca Trehearn in a scene from Dim Ond Y Gwir.

A brand new S4C drama series set in a law court in north-west Wales, is currently being filmed on location in Gwynedd.

Dim ond y Gwir is part of an exciting season of drama on S4C. In the series, viewers follow law court workers as they go about their daily lives from Wednesday, November 4 onwards.


The 12 programme series is being filmed in Caernarfon by award-winning production company Rondo with a new set being purposely built at Parc Menai Business Park.

Filming will also take place at Rondo’s studios on Cibyn industrial park, Caernarfon.

Filmed around Caernarfon, as well as the town’s dock area, and scenes of the town as well as Menai Straits will be featured during the series.

The production team have attracted new as well as familiar faces to S4C, including West End star Rebecca Trehearn, Geraint Morgan, Siôn Pritchard and Ioan Hefin.

It’s also fitting that the drama is set in Caernarfon, as the town has an important law court, where cases are often heard through the medium of the Welsh.

Six cases will be seen over twelve programmes – with two programmes designated for each case.

Cases include murder, rape, arson, prostitution, burglary as well as euthanasia.

S4C Drama Content Commissioner S4C Gwawr Martha Lloyd said: “The series is a gripping mix of court cases based on interesting, topical issues and memorable characters. The scripting and production teams have a strong pedigree of making powerful and entertaining drama.”

Dim ond y Gwir senior producer Susan Waters, has been part of producing the series storylines. She worked closely with renowned scriptwriter Rob Gittins, who leads the scriptwriting team. He’s also constructed storylines for popular series’ such as Heartbeat and Soldier Soldier.

Susan Waters said: “Bringing new cast and crew members to Caernarfon has been both an exciting and a challenging experience for all of us. The nature of the series has meant that over the coming twelve weeks many new as well as experienced actors will be seen on screen. I hope viewers will enjoy the storylines, as well as play the role of the jury, while sitting at home.”