Newtown mother and son to tackle Snowdon Challenge for Marie Curie

Llinos Hughes and her son Rhodri who are tackling the Snowdon Challenge this weekend.

The chair of Newtown Marie Curie Fundraising Group has decided to do something other than sell cakes and rattle collection cans to raise money for the charity that provides care and support to people with a terminal illness.


Llinos Hughes and her 14 year old son Rhodri are tackling the Snowdon Challenge 2016 together on Sunday, June 12.

They will trek the long, winding Llanberis route to the summit of the highest mountain in Wales at 1,085m (3,560ft) and are looking forward to admiring the breathtaking views of the Snowdonia National Park at their feet with Anglesey and the Irish Sea in the distance.

“I have never climbed Snowdon and this is the ideal opportunity to complete one of my life’s ambitions,” said Llinos. “I had a battle with cancer myself 14 years ago and won, but not everybody is as lucky as I am.

“Rhodri wants to complete the challenge to thank Marie Curie for the care they gave his grandfather during his final days, ensuring he was able to stay at home surrounded by his family.”

All money raised will be spent locally, paying for nurses to care for people with a terminal illness in their own home. Since the group was formed in December, 2012, it has raised more than £77,000 thanks to generous supporters.  The group hopes to raise in excess of £25,000 in the current financial year.

Anyone wishing to sponsor Llinos and Rhodri can do so by donating via the Just giving site