Panto stars and school choir help raise sack full of cash for cancer charity

: Wrexham and District Pantomime Company dame Mark Salisbury, the Chinese dragon and Frank Jones, who plays the evil Ebenezer meet Debenhams cosmetics manager and event organiser Karen Roberts.

Kind-hearted staff at a department store raised a sack full of cash for a cancer charity with a Christmas VIP event.

The Debenhams store at Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre in Wrexham was packed to the rafters with customers taking advantage of fragrance and beauty product discounts, enjoying a glass of champagne and entertainment including a concert by the choir of Johnstown’s Ysgol Yr Hafod.

: Wrexham and District Pantomime Company dame Mark Salisbury, the Chinese dragon and Frank Jones, who plays the evil Ebenezer meet Debenhams cosmetics manager and event organiser Karen Roberts.

Also there to entertain the crowd were the dame and other characters from Wrexham and District Pantomime Company who will be starring in their production of Aladdin.

The event was held in support of Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) which is the store’s dedicated charity.

The charity runs free workshops by volunteer beauty professionals, teaching women with cancer to manage the appearance side effects of treatment, including changes in skin, hair loss and nails, as well as tips on wardrobe and styling to cope with weight gain or loss and surgical changes.

According to cosmetics manager Karen Roberts, the event was a huge success raising a wonderful amount of money which will be donated to LGFB.

She said: “I was delighted with how many customers turned up to support the event. The Ysgol Yr Hafod choir drew a huge audience and everyone enjoyed their festive songs and carols.

“We also had the dame and other characters from Wrexham and District Pantomime Company along in full costume while our own staff dressed as elves and raised a good amount of money for LGFB with a lucky dip which proved very popular.

“I’m also grateful to Wrexham beauty blogger Charlotte Beckett who gave make-up demonstrations which drew a good audience and was enjoyed by everyone. The event finished with a fashion show which also proved very popular.”

Debenhams staff members Emma Rowlands, Angela Parcesepe and Ruth Carr get in the fundraising spirit.

She added: “We ran a charity raffle in support of LGFB and every VIP who attended received a gift box. Five of the boxes had glass slippers inside them meaning those customers had won one of five prizes.

“The top prize was a luxury hamper containing goods worth more than £350 while the other four prizes where vouchers worth £100, £50, £25 and £10.

“The whole event was a fantastic success and I have never seen footfall quite like it. We are all delighted to have raised so much money for such a good cause.”

Ysgol yr Hafod teacher Owain Smith and fellow teacher Nia Roberts were thrilled to bring the school choir along to support an event which was in aid of such a good cause.

He said: “We have all really enjoyed it and it seems, looking at the size of the audience, everyone else enjoyed the performance too.

“We like to support good causes and the cancer charity LGFB is a fabulous and worthy cause. I’m delighted Karen Roberts invited us to perform, it was a real pleasure and I’m very proud of our children who sang so beautifully.”

Ysgol Yr Hafod choir member Harry Stephenson dressed up for the school’s performance.

Pantomime dame Mark Salisbury of Wrexham and District Pantomime Company says members were pleased to support an event that was raising money for such a good cause.

He said: “We are currently rehearsing for our next show, Aladdin, which we will perform at the William Aston Hall in February. This has been a very busy event and really gave us a chance to promote our show which will also be raising funds for local good causes.”

Jane Galante, the pantomime company’s publicity officer, added: “We support local charities with profits from our shows going to good causes. We were pleased to come along and support such a good cause as LGFB at Debenhams.”

Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley added: “The event was a really well supported and fun event. LGFB is a great charity that seeks to help women cancer patients at a time when they need a boost the most.

“I’m delighted Wrexham shoppers and Eagles Meadow regular customers supported the event and raised such a good amount of cash for what is a very worthwhile cause.”

To learn more about Look Good Feel Better please visit