Pendine Park care home residents in chocolate heaven

Staff at Pendine Park have organised a chocolate workshop for residents while raising money for charity. Olivia Thomas and Claire Owlett with residents Darron Nicholas, Lindsey Wright and Lindsey's mum Glenys McKinlay.


Residents of a Wrexham care home have been on the rocky road to marshmallow heaven thanks to a chocolate workshop.

Pendine Park care organisation’s enrichment co-ordinator Olivia Thomas set up the tastebud-teasing session at the Penybryn Care Home which cares for people with brain injuries and other neurological problems.

As a result, the residents enjoyed dipping marshmallows and fruit into a chocolate fountain and making traditional rocky road chocolate treats.

She said: “The residents of Penybryn get pleasure from the sensory stimulation whether it’s touch, smell or taste.

“We bought a chocolate fountain after we had a visit from the proprietor of Denbigh Chocolate Shop who showed us how to run a workshop. It’s been great fun and residents have really responded and had a great time.”

She added: “As well as making traditional rocky road we have been dipping various fruits, such as banana and strawberries into milk and dark chocolate. And of course marshmallows were a big hit too.

“Chocolate workshops are an activity we will run on a regular basis as residents clearly enjoy them so much and have such a wonderful time.”

Glenna McKinlay dropped in on the chocolate workshop while visiting her daughter, Lindsey Wright, 35, who has been a Penybryn resident for more than five years.

She said: “I visit Lindsey every day and evening but know when there are odds days that I can’t get here she is well cared for.

“Lindsey is blind and has a significant brain injury so it’s good to keep her involved and stimulated even if she has problems with her short-term memory and forgets things very quickly.”

She added: “I am really happy with the care Lindsey has here at Penybryn. There is always something going on to stimulate and give her something to do or take part in.

“Lindsey particularly enjoys music and sings along to almost anything. She is able to take part in a number of music workshops and really enjoys evening discos that are held within the care home.”

Penybryn manager Tracey Cuthill, says the unit opened in 2007 and is a centre of excellence caring for younger people with neurological problems caused by acquired brain injury and conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and stroke.

She said: “It is important that we stimulate and engage with residents and fun events such as the chocolate workshops is a great way of ensuring they are having a good time and trying different experiences.

“They all thoroughly enjoy the workshops and have a great time. All the activities are purely voluntary and if they prefer not to join in then their wishes are always respected. The residents always come first.”