RibRide celebrate Waterloo 200th anniversary


The Skippers, Will and Charles (pictured), at RibRide Adventure Boat Tours want to mark the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo with a ‘Skipper Special’ boat trip to mark this historic event.

Skipper Will, RibRide Adventure Boat Tours, said: “We tell our RIB Riders about the friendship between Henry William Paget, who lived at Plas Newydd and became the first Marquess of Anglesey, and Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, who became the first Duke of Wellington.

“The Skippers have devised a special trip on June 18, which stops at places on the Strait where we can talk about the struggle between Napoleon and Wellington. It was a battle that Wellington described as ‘the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life.”

The two-hour trip starts at 10 am on Thursday, June 18, 2015 and costs £30. Book your place online at https://www.ribride.co.uk/book-boat-trip-online/ by selecting 18 June, ‘Skipper Special – 200th Anniversary of Waterloo’.

RibRide celebrate Waterloo 200
RibRide celebrate Waterloo 200

Will said: “We love telling stories around the coast of Anglesey on our trips; there is such a wealth of history to share. Waterloo was important because it was the last of a series of wars that had raged in Europe for over 25 years. It ended the rule of the First French Empire and there was peace in Europe for nearly 50 years following the battle. Come and join us, the Skippers are looking forward to taking you on a historical adventure.”

RibRide, based at Porth Daniel, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, runs trips around Anglesey and along the North Wales coast. Its Bear Grylls trip runs from Holyhead marina to the Skerries and around South Stack to see some incredible coastline set in an adventurous sea during the summer months.

“We have been running our RIB business for nearly 10 years, and we want to arrange a few ‘Skipper Specials’ to give our RIB Riders an amazing exclusive experience. If you can’t make the Waterloo trip, get Wednesday 21 October in your diary, when we hope to run another historical trip for the 210th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar’,” says Skipper Phil, RibRide Adventure Boat Tours.

RibRide offers much more than safe, enjoyable and top-quality adventure boat trips. Friends and families can hire a RIB as a private boat charter for an exclusive trip for up to 11, starting from £195 for an hour and £315 for a two-hour trip. It also creates and delivers challenging corporate training days and events.

This historical trip is available on the website at https://www.ribride.co.uk/book-boat-trip-online/, 18 June. The Skippers Will (The Emperor Napoleon) and Charles (The Iron Duke) welcome you aboard for a historical adventure.