Rotarians wing their way to shopping centre in aid of disabled children

The annual duck race at Eagles Meadow in aid of Dymanic. Graham Arthurs and Bob Gray from the Rotary Club with Carol Gardner and Amy Lynch from the charity, with youngsters Harvey Brindley, 11 and Ricardo Dotolo, 10, front.


Rotarians will be winging their way to a shopping centre to raise cash for disabled children.

The Erddig branch of the Rotary Club is organising duck races down the waterfall between 10am and 4pm on Saturday, June 6, at Eagles Meadow, in Wrexham.

Races will be held throughout the day, with each duck costing £1 for a flutter.

The event is being organised in aid of the Wrexham-based charity, Dynamic, which provides out of school activities for young people with special needs.

The charity’s manager, Carol Gardner said: “It’s a great event and it’s nice to see the people who are shopping with their children getting involved. The children can get very excited watching their duck in the race.

“I’m absolutely thrilled that Erddig Rotary Club have agreed to support us again this year. I’m delighted that they support us the way that they do.

“I’m looking forward to the duck races very much. It also gives us the chance to meet people and tell them about what we do at Dynamic, so it’s an opportunity for other people t support us as well.

“Some of our young people will be coming down to help. They love it.

“The 100 or so children we help have a range of disabilities from physical, intellectual or sensory impairments and emotional problems to life-limiting illnesses.

“We would like to help more children but desperately need more space and, of course, a higher level of finance if we are to achieve our goal.”

Carol added: “Supported by Social Services, Health Service staff and volunteers, Dynamic works in partnership with statutory agencies, the voluntary sector and the community.”

“The aim is to provide a lively, safe and just environment in which children and young people with special needs, their carers, families and friends can benefit from an enhanced quality of life and the young people be empowered to help themselves.”

She added: “Dynamic currently hold seven weekly after school groups, Club 19–25 and a Saturday drop-in group, activities during the school holidays and a major Summer programme.

“Dynamic is the only provider of this type of service in the area and has a waiting list of youngsters requiring the services on offer.”

Rotarian and Chair of Dynamic’s Board of Trustees, Dr Graham Arthurs, said: “Last year we raised £350, and we’re hoping to do even better this year.

“This is the fourth year we’re holding the duck races and it looks like it’s becoming a firmly established event in Wrexham.

“It’s £1 a go and we start the ducks from the top of the steps and the first one to get to the bottom wins a prize.

“It’s a great way to raise money for a fantastic cause and have fun at the same time so it’s a win win.

“Dynamic is a fantastic local charity and we’re delighted to be supporting it again.

“We are extremely grateful to the management of Eagles Meadow for allowing us to use the water feature for the duck races and I am sure the event will be a lot of fun for shoppers and visitors.”

Eagles Meadow Manager Kevin Critchley says the management team at the popular shopping centre are delighted to support the fund-raising event again.

He said: “We try to support as many charities, particularly local good causes, as we can.

“Dynamic is a very worthy cause and we are delighted that Erddig Rotary Club is supporting this registered charity through this fun event.

“The duck races are proving to be extremely popular and we hope the weather is good for what will be a full day of Eagles Meadow fun.

“We want to bring a different experience to our shoppers and visitors and this will certainly be a really good fun event, particularly for children.”