Rubicon Garden Rooms wins seal of approval from consumer watchdog

Rubicon Garden rooms receive a Trading Standards certificate of excellence. Pictured is John Lyon of Rubicon Garden rooms with Cllr Chris Bithell FCC, Richard Powell and David Edwards from trading standards.

A North Wales garden room company has become the first of its kind to win the seal of approval from a customer watchdog.

The Buy With Confidence scheme, run by Trading Standards teams around the UK, has welcomed Deeside-based Rubicon Garden Rooms as a member.

Rubicon Garden rooms receive a Trading Standards certificate of excellence. Pictured is John Lyon of Rubicon Garden rooms with Cllr Chris Bithell FCC, Richard Powell and David Edwards from trading standards.

It links consumers with local businesses that have given their commitment to trading fairly and honestly. Every business is vetted and undergoes a series of detailed checks before being approved as a member of the scheme.

Flintshire County Councillor Chris Bithell visited Rubicon’s HQ in Queensferry to present the company’s founder and managing director John Lyon with a certificate showing that Rubicon is now an accredited member of the Buy with Confidence scheme.

Rubicon is the only construction firm of its kind in North Wales that has been accredited by the highly regarded consumer protection scheme.

The company has more than ten years of experience in the building industry, and specialises in the manufacture and installation of garden buildings to create home offices, annexes for older relatives and teenagers, hobby rooms, music and art studios, and leisure buildings.  Fully insulated, its hi-tech wood fibre material enhance comfort and are zero-maintenance.

John said: “We care about our customers and we are already voluntary members of the Consumer Protection Association, which provides a comprehensive 10 year insurance backed guarantee certificate.

“It is important to us that our customers know that they can trust us – we operate fairly, honestly and to a strict code of conduct. That’s why we applied to join the Buy With Confidence scheme as it’s an independent validation of our services and the quality  of our buildings and construction methods.

“The team at Trading Standards selected some of our customers and spoke to them about the work we have carried out, looked at all our audit trails, checked that all staff had been Disclosure and Barring Service (DSB) certified and satisfied themselves about many other aspects of the business.

“They went through everything in detail – this hasn’t been a simple exercise, but I am delighted that we passed their comprehensive checks.

“I am pleased that we are now members of the Buy With Confidence scheme – I use it myself when looking for tradespeople. I would recommend it to anybody seeking to use a business, whether it’s buying a car to using an accountant or lawyer.”

Buy With Confidence is the largest scheme of its kind nationally and was set up to weed out rogue traders. It is administered by local authority Trading Standards teams to ensure it is independent, protecting the rights of both consumers and businesses.

Councillor Bithell, Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection, said: “I am delighted that Rubicon Garden Rooms has become a member of the Buy With Confidence scheme.

“This accreditation will inspire confidence in potential customers in the company’s ability deliver excellent customer service, and that it operates fairly and honestly.

“It has also been very interesting to visit Rubicon’s showroom in Shotton and hear about the company’s achievements and plans for expansion in the coming months.

“It is always good to hear about successful companies here in Flintshire. I wish them all the best in the future”

Flintshire County Council Trading Standards Team Leader Richard Powell has been working closely with Rubicon Garden Rooms during the application process.

He said: “In order to become a Buy With Confidence member, a business must first apply or be recommended to join the scheme and must then pass a set of tailored background checks.

“Membership is not given lightly and not everyone gets in – amongst other checks, each applicant will have their complaints history reviewed and will receive a visit from Trading Standards.

“Good references are required from previous customers and applicants must agree to abide by the scheme’s code of conduct, which requires them to follow the letter and spirit of the law. Criminal records basic disclosure may also be required in some circumstances.

“Only if all the scheme requirements are met, will a business be granted membership, and their conduct will continue to be monitored. Customers  can expect any problems to be dealt with fairly by the business, or they can turn to Trading Standards for advice in the event of an unresolved issue.

“The performance of members of the scheme is continuously monitored via the Citizen’s Advice Consumer Service and through customer feedback submitted.”

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