Shoppers get in a spin at the Quadrant Shopping Centre

Spin bikers from the LC were given a day-long health and well-being demonstration at Swansea’s Quadrant Shopping Centre on Saturday. The focus is on fitness at Swansea’s busy Quadrant Shopping Centre this Saturday when the city’s shoppers get the cha


Shoppers were in a real spin as they got on their bikes as part of a health and wellbeing day in Swansea city centre.

Instructors from leading leisure and fitness venue LC were on hand at the Quadrant Shopping Centre manning a peloton of spin bikes as part of the event organized by Swansea Business Improvement District.

Fitness instructor, Munstatha Khaffovani, 34, gave spinning demonstrations throughout the day alongside LC members to some motivational tunes to get shoppers in the mood to give the exercise a try.

Munstatha, originally from Morroco, is a fitness instructor at LC and he said: “It’s been a brilliant day and a great idea. Lots of people have heard about spinning as an exercise but don’t know how it works and the health benefits it can give you.

“It’s given me a chance to show people that they can go at their own pace. It helps people with dodgy knees as there is no impact involved but you can build up a real sweat which is always a good sign that you are working those muscles.”

Munstatha added: “Hopefully by being able to demonstrate what spinning is all about we can encourage a few more people to come down to LC and give it a try.

“And it isn’t just about spinning, I also teach dance and there are so many other activities that will get people feeling fitter and healthier.

“The main thing about being able to demonstrate spinning here at the Quadrant is that I can show people that the speed you go and the work you do is in your own hands. The person on the bike controls everything so you can go as hard or as soft as you like.

“And of course we have good music to listen to. It helps you get in a rhythm. Spinning is a good fat burning exercise and an easy way to ride a bike without fighting traffic.”

Energy assessor, Brian Cullen, 55, of Swansea and an LC member, was also keen to demonstrate spinning to shoppers and visitors.

He said: “I go spinning three times a week and it’s proved a massive help to my fitness levels.

“I had a three month break before Christmas due to work, other commitments and basically just being lazy. But I’m back in the saddle again now and can really feel the benefits.

“I wanted to take part today to show people that it doesn’t matter what age or size you are, spinning is a great way to exercise and get fit.”

LC is offering free three-day taster memberships for the popular health and fitness centre and Quadrant retailers are also getting involved with health and wellbeing offers.

Nick Beggs, Group Sales and Marketing Manager for LC, said: “We took our spin bike classes to the Quadrant for the day with nine bikes on site and with some pulsating music it made for a great atmosphere.

“Shoppers were able to have a go while we had instructors on hand to give advice. We made it clear that it was all about fun and fitness and getting the people of Swansea to feel better about themselves.”

Lindy Emms, Deputy Manager of the Quadrant Shopping Centre, said: “We were delighted to get involved. It made Saturday shopping more entertaining for our customers and hopefully inspired a few to get fitter and reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

“It really was a lot of fun. I’m sure we will have encouraged a few people to get into exercise and improve their fitness levels. It couldn’t be a better time, with Christmas behind us, to start a fitness campaign.”

The event at the Quadrant was part of a citywide programme of Health and Wellbeing co-ordinated by Swansea BID.