Shopping night for Swansea students

Rhiannon Davies who is a student working at the Fragrance Shop. Picture: ©Adam Davies | All Rights Reserved 2015

Thousands of bargain-hunting undergraduates are expected to storm Swansea’s busy Quadrant Shopping Centre on its annual autumn Student Lock-In night on Thursday (October 8).

Retailers at the busy centre will close as usual at 6pm that afternoon and then re-open for students from 7pm to 9pm when many will feature special offers to give a helping hand to hard-up youngsters with plenty of discounts and offers available.

This is the fifth year of the promotion but this year’s event promises to be even bigger and better and to once again overflow from the Quadrant into the city centre with DJs providing music to create a real vibe.

One student isn’t sure yet which side of the counter she will be. Rhian Davies, 19, from West Cross, studying Access To Humanities at Ty Coch, Gower College, could be working at Fragrance Shop but she’s looking forward to the event.

She said: “I’ve been at Fragrance Shop since August and I love working here and hope to be on duty on the night as it’s great when we’re busy.

“I think it’s the Lock-In is great idea as there are some good places to shop in the Quadrant and it should be a great night.

“Discounts do matter to students and it should attract a good crowd.”

Russell Greenslade, Chief Executive of the Swansea BID – Business Improvement District, who said: “The Student Lock-In has always been a great success and this year even more businesses are coming forward with unique offers and discounts for this student exclusive event.

“Not only does this event offer students some incredible exclusive offers/discounts it also supports the city centre economy, vibrancy and the businesses.”

Swansea’s Grand Theatre will also be in the Quadrant on the4 night to promote their own autumn programme which features the likes of TV birdman Iolo Williams, Tommy Steele in The Glenn Miller Story and Alan Ayckbourn’s classic comedy Absent Friends.

George Henderson, Marketing Manager for the Quadrant Centre, said: “I know these student events are very popular elsewhere so it’s great to bring it to Swansea again.

“It means students don’t have to travel to find discounts and while they do tend to be fashion-conscious, especially at Swansea, they don’t usually have big budgets.

“There are a good range of shops at the Quadrant and they’re offering some excellent discounts on what should be a really fun night for the many students in the city.

“It’s a really good way to show them that the Quadrant is a place where they can shop and that we have something for everyone.

“Swansea has a really high proportion of students, maybe 10,000 in the city and others who go to colleges and universities outside the city and so this sort of event will be of benefit for them and help us showcase how we can help them.”

Shopping Centre Manager Ian Kirkpatrick said: “We have had most of the stores here signing up to providing offers for students and that includes some you might not expect but it should make for a really lively evening.”

There will be exclusive discounts on production of a student card, with some stores offering up to 20 per cent off.