St Grwst’s Church Llanrwst to hold its first Festival of Flowers

St Grwst Church, Llanrwst. Picture by Al Williams LRPS

To coincide with Llanrwst’s entry in the Wales in Bloom 2016 competition, a regional element of the National Britain in Bloom Competition supported by the Royal Horticultural Society, St Grwst’s Church is holding its first “Festival of Flowers”.

The theme for this event will be “The Year of Adventure”.

Organisers would welcome people to join this event by exhibiting a display either as an organization or as an individual in memory of a loved one.

Additional activities are planned during the festival including a piano recital and children’s floral workshop.

There is no charge for exhibiting but donations to St Grwst’s Church will be gratefully received.

For further information and to book a place please contact Janet Pierce on 01492 640443 or e-mail