Superheroes raise money for terminally ill children

Staff at Frankie and Benny's in Eagles Meadow, Wrexham are raising money for the Rays of Sunshine charity. Andy Whitehouse in the Super Mario outfit with Natalie Dunn


A group of superheroes are on a mission to help terminally ill children.

Batman, the Incredible Hulk and Super Mario are all heading to the Frankie & Benny’s restaurant for a weekend of fun which it’s hoped will raise a bat cave full of cash for the Rays of Sunshine children’s charity.

Staff at the Italian-American restaurant are preparing for three days of Superhero fun over the bank holiday weekend.

They will all be dressed in either superhero outfits or wear yellow Rays of Sunshine charity T-shirts.

The charity grants wishes to severely ill or terminally ill children as well as deserving young people giving them a chance to put their illness on hold and enjoy moments of escape.

They brighten up the lives of seriously ill children aged three to 18 by granting special wishes whether it’s to meet a mermaid, swim with dolphins or meet a pop star.

Manager, Peter Cross, hopes to raise as much as possible over the weekend for what he says is a fantastic charity.

He said: “Rays of Sunshine, which receives no government funding, is a fabulous charity which grants wishes which offer a distraction to hundreds of children during their time in hospital or a hospice.

“We will be having games, competitions with lots of prizes to be won. And all the staff are dressing as their favourite superhero. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

“Rays of Sunshine is supported by Frankie & Benny’s nationally. As a company we are offering a Kids Eat Free for a Year pass for just £5 with all the money raised going to the charity.”

He added: “We have held Superhero weekends in the past and they have always been well supported and a lot of fun. I hope this year we can raise our biggest total yet for this amazing charity.”

Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley was delighted Frankie & Benny’s is raising funds for such a good cause.

He said: “The amount of charity fundraising that takes place throughout Eagles Meadow never ceases to amaze me.

“Peter and his team at Frankie & Benny’s have run a number of charity events over the years and have raised an amazing amount of money for good causes.”

He added: “I’m sure Eagles Meadow customers and visitors will support their fundraising efforts for what is an amazing cause.”