Tidy Towns scheme focuses on Caernarfon

Celyn Kehoe from Kehoe Countryside, the contractor who worked on the Tidy Towns project.
Celyn Kehoe from Kehoe Countryside, the contractor who worked on the Tidy Towns project.

A Gwynedd Council Tidy Towns environmental improvement project has recently been completed on land adjacent to Love Lane, Caernarfon.

The land, which is very steep and lies above the Welsh Highland Railway, has been targeted by fly-tippers and litterers, creating an untidy problem alongside an 80 metre section of path.

Celyn Kehoe from Kehoe Countryside, the contractor who worked on the Tidy Towns project.
Celyn Kehoe from Kehoe Countryside, the contractor who worked on the Tidy Towns project.

Due to the steepness of parts of the site, it was necessary to use a specialist contractor equipped with ropes and harnesses to get at the waste. Large quantities of rubbish have now been safely removed from the site. A length of stone wall was also repaired.

Sgt Non Edwards of North Wales Police commented:  “We have had a number of calls of anti-social behaviour on Love Lane and those responsible are also leaving their rubbish behind. Sadly, again we have individuals who are intent on being disrespectful to others and to the environment in general.

“We also have a police-led targeted patrol of the location to deal positively with offenders.  Working in partnership now, we are determined to change Caernarfon and clean up these locations so that they can be used and enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of Caernarfon’s law abiding residents.”

Councillor Gareth Roberts, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, said:  “Thanks to a Tidy Towns grant, the condition of this land at Love Lane has been greatly improved. I am particularly grateful to those involved on site, who successfully completed this very challenging task.

“Along with the successful partnership initiative in the Cadnant Valley, Tidy Towns is having a very positive impact on the local community.”

To report an instance of fly-tipping contact Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement Team on 01766 771000 or contact Natural Resources Wales on 0800 80 70 60.

It is also an offence to throw litter or to fail to clean up after a dog has fouled. Those ignoring the law run the risk of an on-the-spot-fine.

This Tidy Towns project is funded by a Welsh Government grant as part of an improvement programme aimed at improving the quality of the local environment.

For further information regarding the Council’s Tidy Towns scheme, contact the team on 01766 771000 or email tidytowns@gwynedd.gov.uk