Trawsfynydd schoolchildren in litter prevention campaign

Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn pupils with Jonathan Neale showing off their signs.

Following a recent litter-picking campaign, pupils at Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn, Trawsfynydd, decided to take their anti-litter initiative a step further.


The children created colourful and imaginative pictures in an attempt to raise awareness of the problem in the village and encourage people to take pride in their community by putting their litter in the bin.

Once the images had been completed the pupils invited Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer, Jonathan Gwyn Neale, to the school. He then offered to take the images away in order to transfer them onto hard-backed signs so that they could be put up around the village and help publicise the problem.

Gwynedd Councillor and Cabinet Member for the Environment John Wynn Jones, said: “Children have a way of getting an emotive message across simply and powerfully, and these images are a great example of this.  I look forward to seeing the signs around the village in the near future.”

Local Gwynedd Councillor Thomas Griffith Ellis, noted: “The signs are very colourful and are a great way of getting the message across to the community – let’s hope it makes a difference. Well done to the children at Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn for taking the lead on this problem issue.”

Jonathan Gwyn Neale, the Council’s Tidy Towns Officer added: “It’s great when children take the initiative in the community, with the local environment top of the list of issues causing concern.  I’d like to thank the children on their enthusiastic efforts to bring this important issue to the wider community’s attention.”

It’s an offence to throw rubbish, cigarette stumps and chewing gum in public places. Those ignoring the law run the risk of an on the spot fine of £75.

If you would like to arrange a litter-pick in your community, contact the Tidy Towns Team in Gwynedd Council on 01766 771000 or e-mail: