Truro prep school choir impress at famous Llangollen festival

The Truro Prep School Choir perform on the Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod stage.

Truro Prep School Choir children produced a stunning performance competing at a major international music festival.

Under the baton of conductor Angela Renshaw the choir took part in the Junior Children’s Choir competition at the Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod.

And although they didn’t come away with a win the children excelled in what was a very demanding competition competing against choirs from across Wales and England.

Eilir Owen Griffiths, the Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod’s music director, said: “The standard of entries at Llangollen is always high but this year it was remarkable with some absolutely stunning performances.

“The adjudicators, like the large audience, thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Truro Prep School Choir and I really hope we welcome the choir back to North Wales in 2017.”