Van hire Take Stock company oils the wheels of motorsport’s showpiece rally

Fast lady – up and coming rally driver Jade Paveley pictured with Jeff Woods and Rob Jones of Lock Stock whose Take Stock fleet of vans will be in action at the Wales Rally GB.

A van hire company from North Wales will be playing a key role in ensuring this year’s Dayinsure Wales Rally GB goes like clockwork when it roars into action this month (October 26-29).

The 14 vehicles from Take Stock, part of the Denbigh-based Lock Stock self-storage group, one of the UK’s premier containerised storage companies, will be helping set up the 21 stages ahead of the gruelling 200-mile, four day event.

Fast lady – up and coming rally driver Jade Paveley pictured with Jeff Woods and Rob Jones of Lock Stock whose Take Stock fleet of vans will be in action at the Wales Rally GB.

The event which got underway on Thursday, October 26, is expected to attract 100,000 spectators and bring £10 million to the local economy.

While World Rally Championship leader Sebastien Ogier battles his challengers in the forests, starting on Thursday, October 26, the vans from Take Stock will be ferrying personnel and material around the route.

That’s a 24/7 task which will see them cover every inch of the rally journey from Tir Prince, Rhyl, on Thursday, through the tough Mid Wales stages on the opening day of the rally proper on Friday, the tarmac of Cholmondely Castle and the climactic forest stages alongside Llyn Brenig on Sunday, from Deeside Rally Village, to Newtown, Chester and finally the finish in Llandudno.

Take Stock Jeff Woods said: “It’s brilliant to be involved with Dayinsure Wales Rally GB, one of the biggest sporting events in the UK.

“It’s great that it is staying here in North Wales and that as a North Wales company we can support it and be involved in it.

“Our vans will be the workhorses of the weekend, helping everything run smoothly while attention is rightly focused on the incredible skill of the rally drivers and the power and agility of their cars.”

One interested spectator who hopes to be playing an active role next year is 24-year-old up-and-coming rally driver Jade Paveley from Llandudno, where she works at the family business, North Wales Honda.

She has recently been at the wheel of her father Dave’s Mitsubishi Evo 3 and she said: “Dad was a works driver for Ford and Mini so I was dragged round with him and got the bug.

“I’ve worked my way up through karting and Endurance events and this year I’m really getting my car ready and I plan to enter Dayinsure Wales Rally GB next year but I’ll be watching and learning this year.

“It’s an inspiring event and it’s great to have it in North Wales, for companies like Lock Stock to support it and for local drivers to compete in it.”

Alan Pritchard, Partnership Manager for Dayinsure Wales Rally GB, said: “Lock Stock are official partners and one of three main vehicle providers for the Rally with their vans used for vital behind the scenes work including moving the timings crews into position on each stage.

“They approached us through a member of their staff who is a massive rally fan. Being a local event it’s fantastic to have the support of local companies like Lock Stock who help make the event tick from start to finish.”

Lock Stock, which runs 18 storage parks across North Wales and the border counties of Cheshire and Shropshire, is expanding its Take Stock van hire business which currently operates from its centres at Saltney, near Chester, Llandudno Junction and Rhyl.

Lock Stock was founded in 1998 by brothers Nick and Shon Powell in Denbigh and it is planning to have up to 3,000 containers at its sites by the end of the year with a total storage capacity of over four million cubic feet.

They have plans to strengthen their position as the UK’s biggest container storage company with sites at Holyhead and along the North Wales coast at Bangor, Llandudno Junction and Rhyl, on the Dee at Flint and Chester and inland at Denbigh, Mold, Wrexham and Newtown in Powys, and at Oswestry and Shrewsbury in Shropshire.

For more information about Lock Stock go to and for Take Stock go to

For more in the Wales Rally GB and how to enjoy it go to