Walking Football kicks off at Glan Wnion Leisure Centre, Dolgellau

A walking football session at Dolgellau.

Walking Football is a new sport recently introduced to leisure centres in Gwynedd where older players can get fit playing the ‘beautiful game’ whilst having fun.


It helps to improve your cardio vascular fitness, increase muscle strength and joint mobility, increase concentration skills or simply relive those glory days.

Walking Football is ideally for men and women aged 50+ and can be played regardless of physical ability and experience. The rules are the same as five-a-side except there is no running or slide tackling. It’s a great way of improving your cardio vascular fitness, increasing muscle strength and joint mobility, increasing concentration skills or simply reliving those glory days.

Thomas Carr, who is an instructor at Glan Wnion Leisure Centre, said: “When people first hear about Walking Football, they assume that it will be played at a snail’s pace and lack the excitement of the traditional game but they are usually in for a pleasant surprise.

“The task of passing the ball accurately between team mates without being able to run provides players with both mental and physical challenges. Some of the league teams such as Bury use walking football with their youth teams as a way to improve passing skills and positioning on the pitch.”

Glan Wnion Leisure Centre in Dolgellau hold a fortnightly session on Wednesdays between 11am and midday at a cost of £2. Please contact the centre for specific dates. Players who participated in a taster session recently all agreed that it was well run and very exciting and were looking forward to the next session.

Gwenda Davies who recently took part said: “We had a great game and we’re very much looking forward to the next session.”


Councillor Mair Rowlands, Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member for Healthy Gwynedd added: “There are many older adults who retain a love of sport, and in particular football, but feel that they are unable to participate in traditional programs due to falling health and fitness levels.


“Establishing Walking Football in Gwynedd has the potential to attract a great mix of people to get together for some fitness and fun, and doesn’t matter if you’ve never played before, I think it’s worth giving it a try.”


Walking Football sessions are taking place in all leisure centres in Gwynedd, please contact your local centre for more information, or call Emma on 01766 5120932 / 07768 988095.