Welsh Parents are Moving Home for Better Education and School Facilities

Welsh Parents are Moving Home for Better Education and School Facilities

Welsh Parents are Moving Home for Better Education and School Facilities
Welsh Parents are Moving Home for Better Education and School Facilities

Wales, 29 June 2018: We’ve all heard it before… location, location, location. But how do you find the right location for your growing brood or future family? Low fixed fee estate agency Yopa has developed an innovative online tool to help families identify the best location for a new home based on their individual move motivators and the parenting factors most important to them.

Welsh Parents are Moving Home for Better Education and School Facilities
Welsh Parents are Moving Home for Better Education and School Facilities

Yopa commissioned independent research to ask parents across the country about their move motivators and priorities when looking for a new family pad.

The resounding answer for parents across Britain as a whole for moving home is the crime rate in their current area, closely followed by road safety – yet neither rank in the top five motivators for Welsh parents.

The number one move motivator for parents in Wales is the ratio of number of pupils per class. Education is a concerning theme for Welsh parents, as the pupil ratio is closely followed by local school Estyn ratings – with one in five parents here considering moving home because of this.

In fact more than a third (36%) are likely to quit their job to home school their children because of current education concerns. So it is not surprising that, following getting on the property ladder, job prospects was the second biggest concern of Welsh parent’s for their child’s future, with over two fifths (43%) worried about this.

Distance to grandparents and relatives ranked as the third biggest move motivator, then access to amenities and local attractions, and transport links ranked fifth.

Despite concerns for education, Welsh parents are the most satisfied or content with their geographical home location. Of those surveyed, 60% would move within a 25 miles radius of their current home, and only one in ten Welsh parents would go as far as leaving the country for a better family home – nine in ten parents will stay and raise their family in Wales. In comparison, one in four parents in Scotland would leave the country.

If money was no object, two thirds (66%) of Welsh parents would choose a rural lifestyle and home location for their family.

‘Pester power’ also has a large part to play when families choose a new home, with three quarters of Welsh children having an influence over their parents’ move decisions, compared to the national statistic of 69%.

David Jacobs, Yopa’s Co-Founder commented on the findings: “Our family home is usually the most expensive thing we invest in and this means we need to get the very best property for our money. The research shows some very interesting regional differences across Britain. We found people living in certain areas are far more likely to move further to find that ideal happy spot. Our new tool will help families to consider home locations that they might otherwise overlook.”

Nationwide research was conducted by OnePoll and questioned British parents with school age children in England, Wales and Scotland, between 22/05/2018 to 26/05/2018.


Media briefings, parent case studies, commentary and images/infographics are available.


Further information

Please contact the Yopa press team at Mash PR for further information:

E. yopa@mashpr.co.uk

T. Fran Griffin: 07912 055 585