What Is My Advertising Pays scam


My advertising pays review and scam explained Step by Step video tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwXUrQnTWm4Uc-I3a2LTflekIoLz9DO4-

After the last scam review videos about My Advertising Pays I finally managed to talk with 2 company insiders using Skype and went through with them in detail how My Advertising Pays works including the credit packs, so I’m now one step closer to helping people make informed decisions about whether to buy or not to buy into the credit packs at the My Advertising Pays website. .

In this video, I’ll walk you through what I was able to discover. Usually, people just start to promote something without trying it out themselves or fully understanding it they just make things up as they go just to get someone to join under them.

On my upcoming video you will discover that My Advertising Pays does not require you to sponsor or sponge off anyone and it’s not a race either plus you’re not even required to sell anything to any one to make money online MAP, all that is required is that you click on a minimum of 10 ads every 24 hours and buy some credit packs as I explain in this video.

As you can see on my previous videos about my advertising pays scam report you will see that on many comments people have been calling me names and saying that I don’t understand but none actually have the courage to say what it is that I do not understand or worse they don’t actually understand how my advertising pays works themselves and get offensive, ranting because they’re also confused, they just took a shot in dark and hoped for the best.

It’s just unbelievable isn’t it?

Please remember to subscribe or click on the link below to get my next video about My Advertising Pays updates.

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