Campaigners welcome new speed limit outside village school

Hywel Williams MP, Ken Brown (Chair of Y Felinheli Community Council) with local residents (Shona Deemer & Kelly Rowlands) outside Y Felinheli primary school.

Plaid Cymru MP for Arfon, Hywel Williams has welcomed new measures to improve road safety outside a busy village school, after a long and energetic campaign by parents, local residents and community leaders.

A 20mph speed limit zone is now in place outside Y Felinheli primary school and along Y Wern road.  Hywel Williams has praised the local community for pursuing the issue.


Hywel Williams MP said: “I’d like to pay tribute to local people in Y Felinheli who’ve worked hard to ensure these signs are now in place, especially the community council who’ve campaigned tirelessly on this issue.  This is a significant step forward in road safety.


“Many children cross the road to and from the Wern estate opposite the school at all times. Lower speeds have the potential to significantly improve road safety whilst also making it easier for pedestrians to go about their daily business.”


Local Cllr Siân Gwenllian added: “The creation of a 20mph zone is very welcome news for the school and local residents of Y Wern, who have been concerned about speeding and road safety in this part of the village.

“The road outside the school is very busy at the times when pupils arrive and depart from the school. Dozens of cars and pedestrians congregate in the area.

 “The community has worked together to draw attention to the problem and I’m glad that the 20mph zone is now in place, with three new signs acting as a clear indication of what’s required by drivers in this area. I’m grateful to Gwynedd Council for working with the community to make this possible.”