Criw Celf Gwynedd looking for new members

Children attending the Criw Celf sessions.

There is an opportunity for talented children to join an art group aimed at developing their skills.


Additional art groups are to be set up across north Wales in September by Criw Celf – a scheme which has already proven to be popular and successful giving children who have shown artistic promise and an interest in art to practice and develop their skills, with master classes led by local professional artists.


There are places for up to 25 children per county, and Gwynedd primary schools and individuals are invited to nominate up to ten year 6 pupils who have shown artistic talent.


Gwawr Wyn Roberts, Community Arts Development Officer at Gwynedd Council said: “The Criw Celf master class sessions have proved very popular and a real success, both with the children who took part and with the professional artists who led the courses. They saw a real development in the skill and passion of these young artists.


“We’re now looking for children who are currently in year 6 to become part of the new 2015/16 Criw Celf groups, so if you know a child who dreams of becoming an artist, then why not put their name forward?”


Members of Criw Celf will attend a series of one-day master classes in the company of professional artists who specialize in various art genres. A total of six days training will be on offer; as well as an art exhibition of their work. Each member will also receive an art pack containing various quality art materials so that they can practice drawing at home.


Gwawr Wyn Roberts, Community Arts Development Officer at Gwynedd Council added: “I am delighted that children from north Wales will again this year be able to make the most of the pioneering Criw Celf project which allows young people from all over the region to meet up and practice their talents and make the most of the expert advice available to them.”


“We realised that whilst there were quite a few opportunities available for children to practice musical and performance skills, but there were no such opportunities for young people interested in art to develop their skills. I hope the Criw Celf classes will go from strength to strength.”


Every applicant will need to send the following for assessment by Friday, June 19:


  • A 2D self-portrait, created using any art material or combination of art materials. (No more than A3 sized paper)
  • A drawing of the view from any window in their home, created using any art material or combination of art materials (no more than A3 sized paper); or a 2D/3D artwork inspired by the theme of ‘Dream’ (if the work is big photographs accepted)
  • A short paragraph explaining why the child would like to join Criw Celf (no more than 50 words).


Please ensure that all submissions include name, age, school, home address and home telephone number on the back of each piece of work.


Applicants from Gwynedd should post in their entries to: Criw Celf, Community Arts Unit, Council Offices, Shire Hall St, Caernarfon LL55 1SH.


For more information, or if you wish to nominate a child for Criw Celf Gwynedd, contact Gwawr Wyn Roberts, Gwynedd Council’s Community Arts Development Officer  or call 01286 679721 / 07789 032517.


Criw Celf is funded by the north Wales Local Authorities and the Arts Council for Wales.