Schoolgirl gets vote in open art competition

Jeremy Yates, Chairman of the Friends of the Museum & Art Gallery, presents Alice Mayer with her prize.

The winner of a popular vote for the best work of art in the annual Open Art exhibition held at the Gwynedd Gallery and Museum, Bangor has been announced.

Alice Mayer, a year 12 pupil at Ysgol Friars, Bangor is the winner of the People’s Choice Award 2015 for her mixed media portrait entitled ‘Fragments’.


Alice, who lives at Llansadwrn, Môn, is the youngest ever winner of the award and received £100 donated by the Friends of the Museum & Art Gallery. Alice’s interests are art, music and composing and she hopes to pursue a career in acting.


The exhibition closes at Bangor on Saturday, April 18.

This winning painting, along with a selection of other framed works from the Open Art, can be seen at a smaller second exhibition at Gwynedd Council’s Oriel Pendeitsh Gallery in Caernarfon from April 24 to June 14. The gallery is open daily, Monday-Sunday, 9.30am-4.30pm.