Free fitness and active in 2015 in Gwynedd

Cllr Mair Rowlands - Exciting developments at Bangor Swimming Pool
Cllr Mair Rowlands

Free fitness sessions are available at three community centres, courtesy of Gwynedd Council’s Communities First programme, working in partnership with the Council’s Active Communities unit.

Cllr Mair Rowlands
Free fitness with Cllr Mair Rowlands

If you live in Bangor, Caernarfon or Talysarn and are making a new year’s resolution to get more active, you can enrol on the free classes which start during the second week of January:

Bangor: Eglwys y Groes, Maesgeirchen

  • Boxercise – Every Tuesday from 6 January 2015 onwards, 6.30-7.30pm
  • Boxercise – Every Thursday from 8 January 2015 onwards, 12-1pm
  • Pilates – Every Thursday from 8 January 2015 onwards, 1.30-2.30pm

Talysarn: The Community Centre

  • Chair aerobics – Every Tuesday from 6 January 2015 onwards, 11.30am-12.30pm
  • Circuit training – Every Tuesday from 6 January 2015 onwards, 1.30-2.30pm
  • Boxercise – Every Wednesday from 7 January onwards, 10-11.30am

Caernarfon: Noddfa Community Centre, Cil Peblig

  • Boxercise – Every Wednesday from 7 January onwards, 1.15-2.15pm
  • Chair aerobics – Every Friday from 9 January 2015 onwards, 11.30am-12.30pm
  • Circuit training – Every Friday from 9 January 2015 onwards, 1.30-2.30pm


The free sessions are open to all who are 18 or older. A free crèche service is available during the session but must be arranged beforehand by phoning 01286 674698.

Councillor Mair Rowlands, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet member for Leisure, said: “These exercise sessions are a brilliant opportunity for people living in Caernarfon, Talysarn and Bangor to blow out the cobwebs from Christmas and the new year and to start 2015 on the right foot. There’s something to suit all abilities and tastes, from the rigours of the boxercise class and circuit training session to a gentler chair aerobics or Pilates class.

“Many of us will have promised ourselves to get healthy and more active, or maybe to get out and try something new and meet people – these sessions tick all the boxes.

“Best of all, all the classes are free. The cost of expensive gym membership can often put people off exercise, but all you need for these sessions are a pair of pumps and some enthusiasm.”

For more information and to register, please contact Nerys Griffiths on 01286 674698 or follow Communities 1st Gwynedd on Facebook alternatively contact Sharon Jones, Healthy Living Development Officer on 01341 424410.