Gwynedd Council to webcast meetings

Councillor Lesley Day. Chair of Gwynedd Council’s Democratic Services Committee.

Gwynedd Council is launching a new initiative that ensure that its most important meetings are open so that the public can watch and listen without having to attend the meeting itself.


The Council, in collaboration with Public-i and the Welsh Government, has invested in equipment that will enable residents from Gwynedd and beyond to view and listen to some of the Council’s most important committee meetings over the web.


Councillor Lesley Day, the Chair of Gwynedd Council’s Democratic Services Committee said: “It is very important that the people of Gwynedd can hear and see some of the Council’s most important debates.


“We are facing an exceptionally challenging period when we will have to discuss difficult and problematic subjects. At such a time, it is vital that the public can see and understand what is happening behind the doors of the chamber.


“I am glad that we are piloting the system for a period of two years. We will be keeping a close eye on the take-up of the system in order to assess whether this is something that the public would wish to see continuing after the close of the pilot period.”


Over the next few weeks, the first two meetings will be webcast:


Date Meeting Some items of interest
12 January Planning Committee Planning applications including the Slate Tip at Dolbebin, Talysarn and a Solar Farm at Boduan, Pwllheli and two applications to build houses in Maesgeirchen, Bangor
13 January The Cabinet Items including the way in which the Council is seeking to cope with the financial challenge and also a report on the re-organisation of education in the Ysgol y Gader catchment area



The full programme of meetings to be webcast over the coming months will be available on and will also be promoted through the Council’s Twitter account: @CyngorGwynedd and on the Facebook page: