Learn about tracing your family tree in Caernarfon in February.

A family from the turn of the last century.

Are you interested in tracing your family tree?

One day courses for those interested in following their family history will be held at the Caernarfon Record’s Office by the Gwynedd Council’s Archives Service in February.

This is an opportunity to receive tips and guidance on how to set about tracing your family history, and to look at different kinds of sources and evidence.

Councillor Mandy Williams-Davies, Gwynedd Council Economy Cabinet Member who leads on archives said: “Tracing family history has become very popular with numerous TV shows concentrating on the subject. This is a brilliant opportunity for anyone interested to get advice on the best way to go about it. I’m sure this will be a very fascinating course.”

One of the talks will give a case study, and another session will provide an opportunity where you can question the archivists. Those attending will receive an information pack. The cost of the course is £10.


Courses will be held on the following dates:

–          Welsh language course – Saturday, February 14,  at 10am

–          English language course – Monday, 23 February 23 at 10am.


It’s compulsory to book a place on these courses.

Anyone who is interested should contact: Gwynedd Council’s Archives Service on 01286 679095 or e-mail: archives@gwynedd.gov.uk