Three free walks in Llŷn

Other recent guided walks by the Llŷn Area of Natural Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit (AONB)

The Llŷn Area of Natural Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit (AONB) are holding a series of walks during September in order to urge people to go walking and to enjoy the area as well as its special characteristics.

The first of the guided walks will be under Rhys Mwyn’s supervision on Sunday, September 13. This historical and archaeological walk provide you with an opportunity to visit St Beuno’s Church, Bachwen Burial Chamber and Beuno’s Well. The walk will begin at 1pm.

On Sunday, September 30, there will be a walk guided by Dilwyn Morgan in Garnfadryn, where he was born and raised. Meet by the chapel at 1pm.

Lastly, on 27 September at 1pm, John Dilwyn Williams will take you along a new part of the Coastal Path in Cilan.

Don’t forget to book a place by telephoning 01758 704 155 or e-mailing